I got nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award!

I am absolutely thrilled that I was nominated for this award by Shannon from Invisible Ink. Thank you! You’re awesome!

So, in order to “accept” the award, recipients are asked to…

  • Thank the person who nominated them and include a link back to their blog.
  • Display the award logo and follow the blogger who nominated you.
  • List the rules of the award.
  • Share 7 facts about himself/herself.
  • Nominate 15 other bloggers and comment on one of their posts to let them know they have been nominated.


7 Facts about me:

  1.  I am obsessed with books. I’d read anything with words on it. I love the smell of old books. I’d buy books blindly if they are old and hardback. You an’t ever going wrong with that!
  2.  I binge one almost every cop TV series I can get, and am a major movie buff.
  3. Despite watching all these movies I cannot remember the names of actors. Like seriously, I’ve seen the IMDB top 250 (almost all of it) I cannot tell you who acted in what.
  4. I hate texting. There is something about having a keypad that small, and needing the patience to have to search for that emo – icons, to fill the awkward pauses, while pretending like i understand what is happening, that just put me off.
  5. I’m a foodie  – I will try just about anything as long as it is vegetarian.
  6. I love my shoes, and by that I mean my converse. I have been wearing my mean green converse since 2011.
  7. More often than not, I have absolutely no clue what I am talking about, but everyone seems to get it o_O, so yeah it’s cool!

Blogs I am nominating:

  1. HarsH ReaLiTy
  2. Chapter TK
  3. Poesy plus Polemics
  4. kushtrimthaqi
  5. The Upturned Microscope
  6. Literature and Libation
  7. India Demystified
  8. Gotta Find a Home
  9. Indie Hero
  10. Musings
  11. the becoming radical
  12. Chris Martin Writes
  13. The Wandering soul’s wander tales

One Comment Add yours

  1. TK says:

    Thanks for the nomination! I don’t usually post these on my blog, but I do love to answer them in comments. Seven facts about me, you say? Here you go!
    1. I’m a vegetarian but I hate beans
    2. I haven’t grown an inch since 8th grade
    3. I beat Final Fantasy XIII a few hours ago and am on cloud 9 ^_^
    4. I’m in the middle of reading The Wheel of Time series
    5. One of my biggest goals in life is to see all seven continents
    6. I’m hoping to finish the first draft of my first book in time for NaNoWriMo
    7. The first draft of my book is completely hand written.

    Thanks again for the nomination!

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